Custom Pool Covers

  • Splash Pools can custom build a pool cover. Custom-built to fit your pool perfectly and manufactured from best-in-class materials, a safety cover is the best protection available for your family and your pool investment! We sell only the best…to keep your family safe! The stronger the cover, the safer the cover.


  • Our brand of safety covers apply exclusive, patented design and manufacturing innovations to give our mesh and solid safety covers unmatched strength and durability. We make it easy…to install and maintain. Unique features make it fast and easy to install and remove your safety cover. 
  • All safety covers keep debris out of your pool, and block virtually all sunlight – so you save on chemicals and enjoy cleaner water at opening time. Ovals, kidneys, even pools with Safe, custom shapes, raised walls, stairs, rails or water features – we’ll create a safety cover that will cover any pool beautifully…and safely. Call or stop in to get your personalized quote on one of our 6 different grades available.
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